CakePHP : Error: The requested address “/” was not found on this server

I was moving my cakephp application to a new server and had this issue: Error: The requested address “/” was not found on this server.

The following keys might resolve your issue:

1. Check your DATABASE_CONFIG (/app/config/database.php)
2. Delete all the cache files from all of your tmp subfolders (/app/tmp)
3. Make sure your /app/tmp folder (and all of its sub folders) are writable

If you still have issues with the app, you might have to change the debug switch to 2 or 3 in the /app/config/core.php

Find the line which says "Configure::write" and replace with the following:
Configure::write('debug', 3);

This would spit all the errors on your webpage. You can debug from there.

1 comment:

  1. This advice is good. Another key with this error for the home page is that the default home page contains a section of code that throws the error when in production mode (debug == 0). Remove that section of code and modify the default home page, then the error will be removed. The section of code is:
    if (Configure::read('debug') == 0):
    throw new NotFoundException();


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