Showing posts with label VNC. Show all posts
Showing posts with label VNC. Show all posts

Connecting to Ubuntu Remote Desktop from Mac OS

Connecting to Ubuntu or any linux server via Mac OS:
-- Access the "Spotlight" by hitting CMD + Space-bar
-- Within the Spotlight field, enter vnc://your_server_ip:5900

If you get an error when connecting to Ubuntu from Mac OS using VNC screen sharing:
"The software on the remote computer appears to be incompatible with this version of Screen Sharing."
On Ubuntu 18.04:
$ gsettings set org.gnome.Vino require-encryption false
Verify the setting with
$ gsettings list-recursively org.gnome.Vino | grep encrypt

Python contextlib for Timing Python code

If you've ever found yourself needing to measure the execution time of specific portions of your Python code, the `contextlib` module o...