Unblock a specific port from the firewall in Centos 7

Following is a example which unblocks port 8888

firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=8888/tcp
firewall-cmd --reload
firewall-cmd --list-all

opencv: Install opencv CentOS

sudo yum install opencv opencv-python opencv-devel-docs 

sudo yum install -y python-devel gtk2-devel libdc1394-devel libv4l-devel ffmpeg-devel gstreamer-plugins-base-devel
sudo yum install -y libpng-devel libjpeg-turbo-devel jasper-devel openexr-devel libtiff-devel libwebp-devel
sudo yum install -y gcc  cmake  git gtk2-devel pkgconfig  numpy  ffmpeg

If your using virtual environment, copy the relevant cv files to the virtual environment.

 cp /usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/cv* .venv/lib/python2.7/site-packages/

Caffe: Visualizing Caffe Network prototxt file using GraphViz: draw_net.py

Visualizing Caffe Net topology/ntwork/prototxt file using GraphViz
From the Caffe root directory, you can generate a graph in image format from a .prototxt model file:

$ make pycaffe
$ pip install pydotplus
$ yum install graphviz

Visualize a CNN in left-to-right:

$ python/draw_net.py mynetwrk.prototxt mynetwrk.png

Output formats could be : PNG, PDF, DOT or other GraphViz supported formats.
Visualize a CNN in top-to-bottom:

$ python/draw_net.py --rankdir TB mynetwrk.prototxt mynetwrk.png

Following errors can be eliminated if you install the PRE-REQS (pip install pydotplus; yum install graphviz)

pydotplus.graphviz.InvocationException: GraphViz's executables not found
Exception: "dot" not found in path.
ImportError: No module named pydot

Github: Merging two branches

git remote add remote-name remote-github-url 
git fetch remote-name 
git merge remote-name/branch-name 
git status

Github: Update a GitHub forked repository;

git remote add upstream github-URL
git fetch upstream 
git merge upstream/master master 
git pull upstream master 
git push

Sublime Text: Multiple cursors or Multi-selection

Multiple cursors or Multi-selection in sublime text is easy

  • Press Alt/Command and then click in each region where you require a cursor. 
  • Select a block of lines : Shift + Command + L. 
  • Place the cursor over a particular word, and press Control/Command + D repeatedly to select additional occurrences of that word. 
  • Add an additional cursor at all occurrences of a word : Alt+F3 on Windows or Ctrl+Command+G on Mac.

Laravel: Debug by Printing Eloquent Query

Use ->toSql() method like shown below to get the SQL

use Log;

$name = "hawk";

$userResults = DB::table('users')
       ->leftJoin('planets', function($join) {
         $join->on('users.planet_id', '=' , 'planets.id');
       ->where('users.lname' , 'like', '%'.$name.'%');

//You can print the SQL in your log file
Log::info('My search sql: '.($userResults->toSql()));

// OR you can save into a string variable
$mySQL = $userResults->toSql();

//Then use your get function
$userResults = $userResults->get(array('users.fname', 'planets.name'));

The above code will print the following into your /storage/logs/laravel.log file

[2014-09-30 17:58:07] production.INFO: My search sql: SELECT * FROM  users LEFT JOIN planets ON (users.planet_id = planets.id) WHERE users.lname LIKE '%hawk%' 

Laravel, Eloquent: SQL query with left join

If the query needs parentheses/brackets for a where condition like below Normal SQL:

SELECT users.fname, planets.name 
FROM  users
LEFT JOIN  planets ON (users.planet_id = planets.id)
WHERE users.lname LIKE '%hawk%' 


$name = "hawk";

$userResults = DB::table('users')
       ->leftJoin('planets', function($join) {
         $join->on('users.planet_id', '=' , 'planets.id');
       ->where('users.lname' , 'like', '%'.$name.'%')
       ->get(array('users.fname', 'planets.name'));

Eloquent: SQL Query with where or in brackets

If the query needs parentheses/brackets for a where condition like below Normal SQL:

FROM  users
WHERE planet = 'earth'
AND (fname LIKE '%hawk%' OR lname LIKE '%hawk%')
AND state = 'FL'


$name = "hawk";

$usersResults = DB::table('users')
    ->where('planet', '=', 'earth')
    ->where(function($query) use ($name){
            $query->where('fname' , 'like', '%'.$name.'%');
            $query->orWhere('lname' , 'like', '%'.$name.'%');
     ->where('state', '=', 'FL')

Wordpress: Print-friendly, Print as it looks in browser

If you you want to print a wordpress blog/site as it looks on the browser, then you have to
1. Login to the Wordpress as admin
2. Goto Appearance->Editor in the Left Sidebar menu.
3. On the right side find Header.php file
4. In the file locate the following piece of code

<link rel=”stylesheet” href=”<?php bloginfo(‘stylesheet_url’); ?>” type=”text/css” media=”screen” />

5. Modify to the media=""screen" to media="screen, print"
6. Click Update file at the bottom to save the changes in header.php

<link rel=”stylesheet” href=”<?php bloginfo(‘stylesheet_url’); ?>” type=”text/css” media=”screen, print” />

Oracle: Split a String Based on Delimiter

We can split a string based on Delimiter using a combination of  INSTR and SUBSTR functions:

INSTR Returns the position of a String within a String. For more information see Oracle instr function
SUBSTR Returns a substring. For more information see Oracle substring
Syntax of SUBSTR:

Example 1:
select substr('orange.apple',1,(instr('orange.apple','.')) - 1)  
 from  dual  


Example 2:
select substr('orange.apple',1,(instr('orange.apple,'.')) - 1) as First,  
        substr('orange.apple', (instr('orange.apple','.')) + 1) as Second  
 from  dual 

First         Second
orange           apple

Oracle SQL Developer multiple table view

Oracle SQL Developer, to view multiple tables in different tabs, click on the 'pin' icon.

Python contextlib for Timing Python code

If you've ever found yourself needing to measure the execution time of specific portions of your Python code, the `contextlib` module o...