From the Caffe root directory, you can generate a graph in image format from a .prototxt model file:
$ make pycaffe
$ pip install pydotplus
$ yum install graphviz
Visualize a CNN in left-to-right:
$ python/ mynetwrk.prototxt mynetwrk.png
Output formats could be : PNG, PDF, DOT or other GraphViz supported formats.
Visualize a CNN in top-to-bottom:
$ python/ --rankdir TB mynetwrk.prototxt mynetwrk.png
Following errors can be eliminated if you install the PRE-REQS (pip install pydotplus; yum install graphviz)
pydotplus.graphviz.InvocationException: GraphViz's executables not found
Exception: "dot" not found in path.
ImportError: No module named pydot