Mac : check if my intel based Mac is 32-bit or 64-bit

1. Choose About This Mac from the Apple () menu in the upper-left menu bar
2. See what Processor it has.
3. Compare your Processor Name to information below to determine whether your Mac has a 32-bit or 64-bit processor.

Processor Name  
32- or 64-bit
Intel Core Solo
32 bit
Intel Core Duo
32 bit
Intel Core 2 Duo
64 bit
Intel Quad-Core Xeon
64 bit
Dual-Core Intel Xeon
64 bit
Quad-Core Intel Xeon
64 bit

Source: Extracted from

Unix: Running processes in parallel in unix shell

By using the ampersand '&' , we can run processes in parallel. Example 1: Consider the following script

for i=0; i<10;i++
 cat inp$i.txt;

The above script would run sequentially executing cat inp1.txt; cat inp2.txt; cat inp3.txt' ..... We can issue these processes in parallel by using '&' instead ';'

for i=0; i<10;i++
 cat inp$i.txt &

Example 2:

$ runprog1; runprog2; runprog2;

Above statement would execute sequentially.

$ runprog1&runprog2&runprog2&

Above statement would execute all in parallel

$ (runprog1; runprog2; runprog2;)&

Above statement would start processes sequentially and then execution is parallel.

Displaying the AJAX content in a separate window

Write the following piece of code in your call back function to display the AJAX content in a separate browser window.
function(data) {
var myWindow ='','Name of the Window','');;

Note: You need to make sure your browser pop up blocker has disabled.

CakePHP: remove cakePHP Flash messages using JQuery

Typically you would have all the cakePHP flash messages inside the div - alert_messages.

By using JQuery, we can remove these after intended time period.
The following example removes the cakePHP flash message after 5 seconds time period.

$(document).ready(function() {
  $('#alert_messages').animate({opacity: 1.0}, 5000).fadeOut();  

style.display=‘none’ doesnt work on option tags in Chrome, IE

We cannot set a style, display:none on OPTION TAG in Chrome and IE, It can be done in Firefox !

Kinda Solutions :

1. Use disabled attribute for the OPTION

2. If you want to remove them permanently, use removeChild to delete the option.

3. If you want them to show/hide, then u might have to save the removed options into a javascript variable.

jQuery: Select all options in a Multiple-option Select Box

The following code will programmatically select all the options in a multiple-option Select box. Assuming you have jQuery setup.
$("#selectAllButt").click(function() {
  $("#mySelectList option").each(function() {

The following code will programmatically UN-Select all the options in a multiple-option Select box.
$("#selectNoneButt").click(function() {
  $("#mySelectList option").each(function() {

jQuery: Get checked checkboxes, radio buttons using Pseudo selectors

jQuery Pseudo Selectors are very efficient way to get the checked checkboxes or radio buttons.
The Pseudo Selector used is - :checked

Following are some simple examples to follow:
- returns a boolean true if checked or false
- returns a boolean true if unchecked or false
- programmatically check the desired.
- return the value of the checked radio from the 'myRadioGrpName' group.
- returns the count of the checked
- returns the count of the unchecked

jQuery : Get the number of options in a select box

Using jQuery to get the number of options in a select box
$('#mySelectBoxId option').length;

Using jQuery to get the number of options that are selected in a select box
$('#mySelectBoxId option:selected').length;

jQuery, CakePHP: Submit a form using ajax; implementing "quick save"

In CakePHP, If you want to submit a FORM using an AJAX request, use jQuery Form Plugin.

You can find a detailed example at

An alternative to this plugin is invoking a javascript function, when a submit button is clicked, and which would read all the input data inside the form and send it to the controller.

Tcl/Tk: How to find out the Tcl version

How to find out the Tcl version

[yourLoginPrompt]$ tclsh
% info patchlevel
% puts $tcl_version
% info tclversion

Javascript: Make indexOf function working in IE

The indexOf function is a recent addition to the ECMA-262 standard and newly introduced in JavaScript 1.6, hence it may not work in some browsers. You can work around this by inserting the following piece of code at the beginning of your scripts.

Note: This function will work in FF1.5 or above, because this algorithm is exactly the one used in Firefox and SpiderMonkey(is the code-name for the Mozilla's C implementation of JavaScript).

if(!Array.indexOf) {
  Array.prototype.indexOf = function(obj) {
    for(var i = 0; i < this.length; i++) {
      if(this[i] == obj) { return i; }

    return -1;

Javascript: Easy Javascript Debugging using Firebug Console.

Instead of using the traditional 'alert' statements for debugging, the best way to debug is using Firebug console.
What you need : Firefox browser and Firebug addon

A simple example:

function foo() {
 if(some condition) {
    alert("Status update");


function foo() {
 if(some condition) {
  console.log("Status update");

For more details :

cakePHP: Passing multiple parameters from view to controller in cakePHP

There is no direct specification for passing multiple parameters from view (.ctp file) to controller (.php file) in cakePHP. It is intuitive !
The format of the url with a single parameter look like : ../myApp/myController/myFunction/parameter1

To pass multiple parameters simply append at the end which might look like

Some generic ways are:
array ('action' = '/myFunction/'. $id .'/'.$another_id); 

$Html-> link ('edit', array ('url'='/ myController/myFunction? Id ='. $Id. '& another_id ='. $another_id)). 

$Html-> link ('edit', array ('action' = 'myFunction', $id,$another_id)). 

The function in myController would look like:
 function myFunction ($id, $another_id){
   // do something

Date formatting in JavaScript

We would be using 3 different methods to get the current system date, month and year.
  • getDate() : Returns the date
  • getMonth(): Returns the month
  • getFullYear(): Returns the year
#1: month/date/year (5/12/2010)

var date = new Date();
var sysDate = date.getDate();
var sysMonth = date.getMonth();
var sysYear = date.getFullYear();

document.write(sysMonth + "/" + sysDate + "/" + sysYear);

#2: date-month-year (12-May-2010)

var date = new Date();
var sysDate = date.getDate();
var sysMonth = date.getMonth();
var sysYear = date.getFullYear();

var monthNames = new Array("January", "February", "March",
               "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", 
               "September", "October", "November", 

document.write(sysDate + "-" + monthNames[sysMonth] + "-" + sysYear);

#3: date-month-year (12th May 2010)

var date = new Date();
var sysDate = date.getDate();
var sysMonth = date.getMonth();
var sysYear = date.getFullYear();

var monthNames = new Array("January", "February", "March",
               "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", 
               "September", "October", "November", 

var sup = "";

if(sysDate == 1 || sysDate == 21 || sysDate == 31) sup ="st";
else if (sysDate == 2 || sysDate == 22) sup = "nd";
else if (sysDate == 3 || sysDate == 23) sup = "rd";
else sup = "th";

document.write(sysDate + "" + sup + " " + monthNames[sysMonth] + " " + sysYear);

jQuery: Using jQuery with Other Libraries

Ever faced a problem to use jQuery with other Library ?
By default, jQuery uses "$" as a shortcut for "jQuery"

jQuery provides the convenience by defining our own shortcut which eliminates the conflict.
A simple example

<script src="jquery.js"> </script>
<script src="prototype.js"> </script>

<script type="text/javascript" >
jQuery.noConflict()  //now by default, $ is jQuery.
  //But you can reassign it to your own variable.
    var $jq = jQuery;
    //start using $jq for jquery's $
    $jq(document).ready(function() {
    $jq("div").hide();    });

Python contextlib for Timing Python code

If you've ever found yourself needing to measure the execution time of specific portions of your Python code, the `contextlib` module o...